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Modeling force transmission in granular materials. Comptes Rendus Physique. 16(1):3-9.
2015. Magnetic nanopantograph in the SrCu2(BO3)2 Shastry–Sutherland lattice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 112:1971-1976.
2015. Magnetic nanopantograph in the SrCu 2 (BO 3 ) 2 Shastry–Sutherland lattice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 112(7):1971-1976.
2015. Grains3D, a flexible DEM approach for particles of arbitrary convex shape—Part III: extension to non-convex particles modelled as glued convex particles. Computational Particle Mechanics. 106(1):55-84.
2019. Virus-templated Pt–Ni(OH)2 nanonetworks for enhanced electrocatalytic reduction of water. Nano Energy. 58:167-174.
2019. Lattice Boltzmann modelling of liquid distribution in unsaturated granular media. Computers and Geotechnics. 80(SI):353-359.
2016. Reactive elastomeric composites: When rubber meets cement. Composites Science and Technology. 75:77-83.
2013. Effect of curvature and confinement on the Casimir-Polder interaction. Physical Review A. 91(1)
2015. Fiber plucking by molecular motors yields large emergent contractility in stiff biopolymer networks. Soft Matter. 15(7):1481-1487.
2019. Stress-dependent amplification of active forces in nonlinear elastic media. Soft Matter. 15(2):331-338.
2019. Bilirubin oxidase-based silica macrocellular robust catalyst for on line dyes degradation. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 120:77-83.
2019. Inorganic, Hybridized and Living Macrocellular Foams: “Out of the Box” Heterogeneous Catalysis. The Chemical Record. 18(7-8):776-787.
2017. Sol–gel process and complex fluids: sculpting porous matter at various lengths scales towards the Si(HIPE), Si(PHIPE), and SBA-15-Si(HIPE) series. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. 18
2018. Investigation of mixed ionic/nonionic building blocks for the dual templating of macro-mesoporous silica. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 533:385-400.
2019. Effect of Particle Shape non-Convexity on the Rheology of Granular Media : 3D Contact Dynamics Simulations. 2nd International Conference on Particle-Based Methods - Fundamentals and Applications (Particles). PARTICLE-BASED METHODS II: FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS:427-434.
2012. Cohesive granular materials composed of nonconvex particles. Physical Review E. 87(5):ArticleNumber:052207.
2013. Rheology of granular materials composed of nonconvex particles. Physical Review E. 84(4):ArticleNumber:041302Part:1.
2011. Diffusion of Interlayer Cations in Swelling Clays as a Function of Water Content: Case of Montmorillonites Saturated with Alkali Cations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 119(19):10370-10378.
2015. Density functional approach for the magnetism of. Physical Review B. 89(10)
2014. A density functional approach of the magnetism of b-TeVO4. Phys. Rev. B.. 89
2014. Wall roughness and nonlinear velocity profiles in granular shear flows. EPJ Web of Conferences. 140:ArticleNumber03090.
2017. Control of the Pore Texture in Nanoporous Silicon via Chemical Dissolution. Langmuir. 31(29):8121-8128.
2015. Empirical force fields for complex hydrated calcio-silicate layered materials. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.. 13(3):1002-1011.
2010. Water self-diffusion at the surface of silica glasses: effect of hydrophilic to hydrophobic transition. Molecular Physics. 111(22-23):3410-3417.
2013. Role of City Texture in Urban Heat Islands at Nighttime. Physical Review Letters. 120(10):ArticleNumber:108701.