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Anomalous composition-dependent dynamics of nanoconfined water in the interlayer of disordered calcium-silicates. Journal of Chemical Physics. 140(5):ArticleNumber:054515.
2014. Erratum to “Static states of cohesive granular media”. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 28(10):4345-4345.
2014. Nanofluidic Osmotic Diodes: Theory and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Physical Review Letters. 111:244501.
2013. Radial fracture in a three-phase composite: Application to wellbore cement liners at early ages. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 154:272-287.
2016. Phase separation of stable colloidal clusters. Physical Review Materials. 2(9)
2018. Early-Age Stress and Pressure Developments in a Wellbore Cement Liner: Application to Eccentric Geometries. Journal of Applied Mechanics. 83(9):ArticleNumber:091012.
2016. A reaction model for cement solidification: Evolving the C–S–H packing density at the micrometer-scale. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 118:58-73.
2018. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering Multiscale and Multiphysics Processes in Geomechanics SIMULATION OF HYDRATION AND ELASTIC PROPERTIES OF MONTMORILLONITE USING MOLECULAR DYNAMICS. International Workshop on Multiscale and Multiphysics Processes in Geomechanics. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering:105-108.
2011. Magnetism as indirect tool for carbon content assessment in nickel nanoparticles. Journal of Applied Physics. 122(21):213902.
2017. The Maya blue nanostructured material concept applied to colouring geopolymers. RSC Adv.. 5(120):98834-98841.
2015. On the existence and origin of sluggish diffusion in chemically disordered concentrated alloys. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science. 22(3):65-74.
2018. Strength Homogenization of Double-Porosity Cohesive-Frictional Solids. Journal of Applied Mechanics. 80(2):ArticleNumber:020902.
2013. Structure and Dynamics of Ionic Liquids Confined in Amorphous Porous Chalcogenides. Langmuir. 31(24):6742-6751.
2015. Ionic liquid confined in silica nanopores: molecular dynamics in the isobaric-isothermal ensemble. Molecular Physics. 112:1350-1361.
2014. Surface of glassy GeS2: A model based on a first-principles approach. Physical Review B. 90
2014. Nanoporous chalcogenides for adsorption and gas separation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 18(19):13449-13458.
2016. An equation of state for granular media at the limit state of isotropic compression. EPL (Europhysics Letters). 114(1):ArticleNumber:14004.
2016. Impact of Nanoporosity on Hydrocarbon Transport in Shales’ Organic Matter. Nano Letters. 18(2):832-837.
2018. Poroelasticity of Methane-Loaded Mature and Immature Kerogen from Molecular Simulations. Langmuir. 34(45):13766-13780.
2018. Free Volume Theory of Hydrocarbon Mixture Transport in Nanoporous Materials. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 7(19):3712-3717.
2016. Ultrahigh interlayer friction in multiwalled boron nitride nanotubes. Nat Mater. 13(7):688-693.
2014. Some micromechanical aspects of failure in granular materials based on second-order work. Comptes Rendus Mécanique. 342(3):174-188.
2014. Compaction of granular materials composed of deformable particles. EPJ Web of Conferences. 140:ArticleNumber05013.
2017. Effects of shape and size polydispersity on strength properties of granular materials.. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 91(3):ArticleNumber:032203.
2015. Bonded-cell model for particle fracture. Physical Review E. 91(2):ArticleNumber:022203.