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Evolution of organo-clay composites with respect to thermal maturity in type II organic-rich source rocks. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 195:68-83.
2016. Evolution of particle size distributions in crushable granular materials. 3rd International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro. Geomechanics from Micro to Macro:275-280.
2015. On the existence and origin of sluggish diffusion in chemically disordered concentrated alloys. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science. 22(3):65-74.
2018. Experimental chemo-mechanics of early-age fracture properties of cement paste. Cement and Concrete Research. 75:42-52.
2015. Experimental determination of the fracture toughness via microscratch tests: Application to polymers, ceramics, and metals. Journal of Materials Research. 27(2):485-493.
2012. Fabric evolution and accessible geometrical states in granular materials. Granular Matter. 14( 2 SI):259-264.
2012. Fiber plucking by molecular motors yields large emergent contractility in stiff biopolymer networks. Soft Matter. 15(7):1481-1487.
2019. First-principles molecular dynamics study of glassy GeS2: Atomic structure and bonding properties. Physical Review B. 88
2013. First-principles prediction of kink-pair activation enthalpy on screw dislocations in bcc transition metals: V, Nb, Ta, Mo, W, and Fe. Physical Review B. 91(9):ArticleNumber094105.
2015. Flügge’s Conjecture: Dissipation- versus Deflection-Induced Pavement–Vehicle Interactions. Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 140(8):ArticleNumber:04014053.
2014. Force chains and contact network topology in sheared packings of elongated particles. Physical Review E. 85(3):ArticleNumber:031303Part:1.
2012. Fractal analysis of surface roughness of montmorillonite clay self-supported films: Effects of exchanged cations and of mechanical tensile stress. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 486:38-44.
2015. Fracture scaling relations for scratch tests of axisymmetric shape. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 60(3):379-390.
2012. Fracture toughness anomalies: Viewpoint of topological constraint theory. Acta Materialia. 121:234-239.
2016. Fracture toughness of calcium–silicate–hydrate from molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 419:58-64.
2015. Free Volume Theory of Hydrocarbon Mixture Transport in Nanoporous Materials. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 7(19):3712-3717.
2016. From cellulose to kerogen: molecular simulation of a geological process. Chemical Science. 8(12):8325-8335.
2017. From liquid to solid bonding in cohesive granular media. Mechanics of Materials. 43(10):529-537.
2011. Gas uptake in solvents confined in mesopores: adsorption versus enhanced solubility. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 4(14):2274–2278.
2013. Geomechanics from Micro to MacroInteraction between two localized fluidization cavities in granular media : Experiments and numerical simulation. 3rd International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro. Geomechanics from Micro to Macro:1571-1576.
2014. Glassy Nature of Water in an Ultraconfining Disordered Material: The Case of Calcium−Silicate−Hydrate. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 133(8):2499-2510.
2011. Grains3D, a flexible DEM approach for particles of arbitrary convex shape—Part III: extension to non-convex particles modelled as glued convex particles. Computational Particle Mechanics. 106(1):55-84.
2019. Granular plastic flow and fabric-based internal variables. 3rd International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro. Geomechanics from Micro to Macro:3-19.
2013. Griffith’s postulate: Grand Canonical Monte Carlo approach for fracture mechanics of solids. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 199:544-554.