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Production of H 2 by water radiolysis in cement paste under electron irradiation: A joint experimental and theoretical study. Cement and Concrete Research. 100:110-118.
2017. Potential-of-Mean-Force Approach for Molecular Dynamics–Based Resilience Assessment of Structures. Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 144(8):04018066.
2018. A potential-of-mean-force approach for fracture mechanics of heterogeneous materials using the lattice element method. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 105:116-130.
2017. The Potential of Mean Force concept for bridging (length and time) scales in the modeling of complex porous materials. EPJ Web of Conferences. 140:ArticleNumber01009.
2017. Poromechanics of microporous media. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 60(4):606–622.
2012. Poroelasticity of Methane-Loaded Mature and Immature Kerogen from Molecular Simulations. Langmuir. 34(45):13766-13780.
2018. Physical Origins of Thermal Properties of Cement Paste. Physical Review Applied. 3(6):ArticleNumber:064010.
2015. Phase separation of stable colloidal clusters. Physical Review Materials. 2(9)
2018. Poro-chemo-fracture-mechanics ... bottom-up: Application to risk of fracture design of oil and gas cement sheath at early ages. Euro-C Conference. COMPUTATIONAL MODELLING OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES, VOL 1 :61-67.