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Radial fracture in a three-phase composite: Application to wellbore cement liners at early ages. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 154:272-287.
2016. A reaction model for cement solidification: Evolving the C–S–H packing density at the micrometer-scale. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 118:58-73.
2018. Reactive elastomeric composites: When rubber meets cement. Composites Science and Technology. 75:77-83.
2013. Realistic molecular model of kerogen’s nanostructure. Nature Materials.
2016. Rigidity transition in materials: hardness is driven by weak atomic constraints.. Phys Rev Lett. 114(12):ArticleNumber:125502.
2015. Risk of Pavement Fracture due to Eigenstresses at Early Ages and Beyond. Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 142(12):ArticleNumber:04016105.
2016. Role of City Texture in Urban Heat Islands at Nighttime. Physical Review Letters. 120(10):ArticleNumber:108701.
2018. Role of Interfaces in Elasticity and Failure of Clay–Organic Nanocomposites: Toughening upon Interface Weakening? Langmuir. 33(42):11457-11466.
2017. Roughness-induced Pavement-Vehicle Interactions Key Parameters and Impact on Vehicle Fuel Consumption. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2525:62-70.
2014. Roughness-Induced Vehicle Energy Dissipation: Statistical Analysis and Scaling. Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 141(11):Number:04015046.