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Computing the linear viscoelastic properties of soft gels using an optimally windowed chirp protocol. Journal of Rheology. 62(4):1037-1050.
2018. Creep behaviour of confined layers of polyhedral grains. 2nd International Conference on Particle-Based Methods - Fundamentals and Applications (Particles). PARTICLE-BASED METHODS II: FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS :574-583.
2011. Creep of Bulk C-S-H: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations. 10th International Conference on Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete StructuresCONCREEP 10. CONCREEP 10: MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF CREEP, SHRINKAGE, AND DURABILITY OF CONCRETE AND CONCRETE STRUCTURES :511-516.
2015. Crystal-chemistry control of the mechanical properties of 2:1 clay minerals. Applied Clay Science. 143:387-398.
2017. Crystal-chemistry control of the mechanical properties of 2:1 clay minerals. Applied Clay Science. 143:387-398.
2017. C-S-H across Length Scales: From Nano to Micron. 10th International Conference on Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete StructuresCONCREEP 10. CONCREEP 10: MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF CREEP, SHRINKAGE, AND DURABILITY OF CONCRETE AND CONCRETE STRUCTURES :39-48.
2015. Cutting floating single-walled carbon nanotubes with a ‘CO2 blade’. Carbon. 143:481-486.
2019. Diffusion of Interlayer Cations in Swelling Clays as a Function of Water Content: Case of Montmorillonites Saturated with Alkali Cations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 119(19):10370-10378.
2015. Discussion: Strength-to-fracture scaling in scratching. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 119:21-28.
2014. Effect of Gas Adsorption on Acoustic Wave Propagation in MFI Zeolite Membrane Materials: Experiment and Molecular Simulation. Langmuir. 30(34):10336-10343.
2014. Effect of Water on Elastic and Creep Properties of Self-Standing Clay Films. Langmuir. 32(5):1370-1379.
2016. Entropy-driven stability of chiral single-walled carbon nanotubes. Science. 362(6411 Special Issue: SI ):212-215.
2018. Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) and nanoindentation investigation of the crack tip process zone in marble. Acta Geotechnica. 8(3):223-245.
2013. ESEM Study of the Humidity-Induced Swelling of Clay Film. Langmuir. 29(41):12823–12833.
2013. Evolution of organo-clay composites with respect to thermal maturity in type II organic-rich source rocks. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 195:68-83.
2016. Evolution of particle size distributions in crushable granular materials. 3rd International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro. Geomechanics from Micro to Macro:275-280.
2015. On the existence and origin of sluggish diffusion in chemically disordered concentrated alloys. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science. 22(3):65-74.
2018. On the existence and origin of sluggish diffusion in chemically disordered concentrated alloys. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science. 22(3):65-74.
2018. Fiber plucking by molecular motors yields large emergent contractility in stiff biopolymer networks. Soft Matter. 15(7):1481-1487.
2019. First-principles molecular dynamics study of glassy GeS2: Atomic structure and bonding properties. Physical Review B. 88
2013. First-principles molecular dynamics study of glassy GeS2: Atomic structure and bonding properties. Physical Review B. 88
2013. Fracture toughness anomalies: Viewpoint of topological constraint theory. Acta Materialia. 121:234-239.
2016. Fracture toughness anomalies: Viewpoint of topological constraint theory. Acta Materialia. 121:234-239.
2016. Fracture toughness of calcium–silicate–hydrate from molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 419:58-64.
2015. From cellulose to kerogen: molecular simulation of a geological process. Chemical Science. 8(12):8325-8335.