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Scaling Relationships of Dissipation-Induced Pavement-Vehicle Interactions. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2457:95-104.
2014. Roughness-induced Pavement-Vehicle Interactions Key Parameters and Impact on Vehicle Fuel Consumption. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2525:62-70.
2014. Pavement infrastructures footprint: The impact of pavement properties on vehicle fuel consumption. Euro-C Conference. COMPUTATIONAL MODELLING OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES:1051-1058.
2014. Mechanistic Approach to Pavement-Vehicle Interaction and Its Impact on Life-Cycle Assessment. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. (2306):171-179.
2012. Flügge’s Conjecture: Dissipation- versus Deflection-Induced Pavement–Vehicle Interactions. Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 140(8):ArticleNumber:04014053.
2014. Carbon management of infrastructure performance: Integrated big data analytics and pavement-vehicle-interactions. Journal of Cleaner Production. 142(Special Issue: SI ):956-964Part:2.