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C-S-H across Length Scales: From Nano to Micron. 10th International Conference on Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete StructuresCONCREEP 10. CONCREEP 10: MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF CREEP, SHRINKAGE, AND DURABILITY OF CONCRETE AND CONCRETE STRUCTURES :39-48.
2015. Effect of Chain Length and Pore Accessibility on Alkane Adsorption in Kerogen. Energy & Fuels. 29(12):7889-7896.
2015. Experimental chemo-mechanics of early-age fracture properties of cement paste. Cement and Concrete Research. 75:42-52.
2015. Fracture toughness of calcium–silicate–hydrate from molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 419:58-64.
2015. Inference of the phase-to-mechanical property link via coupled X-ray spectrometry and indentation analysis: Application to cement-based materials. Cement and Concrete Research. 67:271-285.
2015. Kinetic Simulations of Cement Creep: Mechanisms from Shear Deformations of Glasses. 10th International Conference on Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete StructuresCONCREEP 10. CONCREEP 10: MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF CREEP, SHRINKAGE, AND DURABILITY OF CONCRETE AND CONCRETE STRUCTURES:555-564.
2015. The Meso-Scale Texture of Cement Hydrate Gels: Out-of-Equilibrium Evolution and Thermodynamic Driving. 10th International Conference on Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures CONCREEP 10. CONCREEP 10: MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF CREEP, SHRINKAGE, AND DURABILITY OF CONCRETE AND CONCRETE STRUCTURES:34-38.
2015. Nano-chemo-mechanical signature of conventional oil-well cement systems: Effects of elevated temperature and curing time. Cement and Concrete Research. 67:103-121.
2015. Optimized molecular reconstruction procedure combining hybrid reverse Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 142(11):ArticleNumber:114112.
2015. Organic–Clay Interfacial Chemical Bonds Probed by ab Initio Calculations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 119(12):6511-6517.
2015. Physical Origins of Thermal Properties of Cement Paste. Physical Review Applied. 3(6):ArticleNumber:064010.
2015. Rigidity transition in materials: hardness is driven by weak atomic constraints.. Phys Rev Lett. 114(12):ArticleNumber:125502.
2015. Roughness-Induced Vehicle Energy Dissipation: Statistical Analysis and Scaling. Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 141(11):Number:04015046.
2015. Shrinkage Due to Colloidal Force Interactions. 10th International Conference on Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures CONCREEP 10. CONCREEP 10: MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF CREEP, SHRINKAGE, AND DURABILITY OF CONCRETE AND CONCRETE STRUCTURES:13-16.
2015. Subcontinuum mass transport of condensed hydrocarbons in nanoporous media.. Nat Commun. 6:ArticleNumber:6949.
2015. Anomalous composition-dependent dynamics of nanoconfined water in the interlayer of disordered calcium-silicates. Journal of Chemical Physics. 140(5):ArticleNumber:054515.
2014. Atomic-scale modelling of elastic and failure properties of clays. Molecular Physics. 112(9-10):1294-1305.
2014. Chemoelastic Fracture Mechanics Model for Cement Sheath Integrity. Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 140(4):ArticleNumber:04013009.
2014. Combinatorial molecular optimization of cement hydrates. Nat Commun. 5:ArticleNumber:4960.
2014. Discussion: Strength-to-fracture scaling in scratching. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 119:21-28.
2014. Flügge’s Conjecture: Dissipation- versus Deflection-Induced Pavement–Vehicle Interactions. Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 140(8):ArticleNumber:04014053.
2014. An improved technique for characterizing the fracture toughness via scratch test experiments. Wear. 313(1-2):117-124.
2014. Irwin׳s conjecture: Crack shape adaptability in transversely isotropic solids. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 68:1-13.
2014. Modelling cement at fundamental scales: From atoms to engineering strength and durability. Euro-C Conference. COMPUTATIONAL MODELLING OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES, VOL 1:139-148.
2014. Nano-scale mechanics of colloidal C-S-H gels. Soft Matter. 10(3):491-499.