Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering Multiscale and Multiphysics Processes in Geomechanics SIMULATION OF HYDRATION AND ELASTIC PROPERTIES OF MONTMORILLONITE USING MOLECULAR DYNAMICS. International Workshop on Multiscale and Multiphysics Processes in Geomechanics. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering:105-108.
2011. Nanoscale Elastic Properties of Montmorillonite upon Water Adsorption. Langmuir. 28(49):16855–16863.
2012. Mesoscale properties of clay aggregates from potential of mean force representation of interactions between nanoplatelets. Journal of Chemical Physics . 140(15):ArticleNumber:154309.
2014. Mesoscale simulation of clay aggregate formation and mechanical properties. 3rd International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro. Geomechanics from Micro to Macro: Granular Matter(3):539-544.
2014. Effect of Polydispersity of Clay Platelets on the Aggregation And Mechanical Properties of Clay at the Mesoscale. Clays and Clay Minerals. 64(4 Special Issue: SI):425-437.