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Scaling Relationships of Dissipation-Induced Pavement-Vehicle Interactions. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2457:95-104.
2014. Shear strength and microstructure of 3D assemblies of platy particles. 7th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media (Powders and Grains). Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings POWDERS AND GRAINS 2013:519-522.
2013. Simple views on surface stress and surface energy concepts. Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 5:013002.
2013. Small solar system bodies as granular systems. EPJ Web of Conferences. 140:ArticleNumber14011.
2017. Small solar system bodies as granular systems. EPJ Web of Conferences. 140:ArticleNumber14011.
2017. Small solar system bodies as granular systems. EPJ Web of Conferences. 140:ArticleNumber14011.
2017. Spontaneous rotation can stabilise ordered chiral active fluids. Nature Communications. 10(1):ArticleNumber:920.
2019. Springer Series in Geomechanics and GeoengineeringAdvances in Laboratory Testing and Modelling of Soils and Shales (ATMSS)Measurement of Mechanical Properties of Thin Clay Films and Comparison with Molecular Simulations. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering. :78-84.
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2015. Strength of wet agglomerates of spherical particles: effects of friction and size distribution. EPJ Web of Conferences. 140:ArticleNumber08021.
2017. Stress Transmission and Failure in Disordered Porous Media. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 119(7):ArticleNumber:075501.
2017. Stress Transmission and Failure in Disordered Porous Media. Physical Review Letters. 119(7):ArticleNumber:075501.
2017. Stress-dependent amplification of active forces in nonlinear elastic media. Soft Matter. 15(2):331-338.
2019. Structure-property relationships of water adsorption in metal-organic frameworks. New Journal of Chemistry. 38:3102-3111.
2014. Thermalizing and Damping in Structural Dynamics. Journal of Applied Mechanics. 85(8)
2018. Tight binding within the fourth moment approximation: Efficient implementation and application to liquid Ni droplet diffusion on graphene. Physical Review B. 84(8):ArticleNumber:085455.
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2017. Wall roughness and nonlinear velocity profiles in granular shear flows. EPJ Web of Conferences. 140:ArticleNumber03090.