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Structure and properties of nanoscale materials: theory and atomistic computer simulation. International Journal of Nanotechnology. 9(3-7):576–604.
2012. Structure-property relationships of water adsorption in metal-organic frameworks. New Journal of Chemistry. 38:3102-3111.
2014. Sub-additive ionic transport across arrays of solid-state nanopores. Physics of Fluids (1994-present). 26:012005.
2014. Subcontinuum mass transport of condensed hydrocarbons in nanoporous media.. Nat Commun. 6:ArticleNumber:6949.
2015. Surface Chemistry and Atomic-Scale Reconstruction of Kerogen-Silica Composites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118(5):2429-2438.
2014. Surface of glassy GeS2: A model based on a first-principles approach. Physical Review B. 90
2014. Surface of glassy GeS2: A model based on a first-principles approach. Physical Review B. 90
2014. Surfactant Behavior of Ionic Liquids Involving a Drug: From Molecular Interactions to Self-Assembly. Langmuir. 30(5):1229-1238.
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2018. Thermodynamics, kinetics, and mechanics of cesium sorption in cement paste: A multiscale assessment. Physical Review Materials. 2(5)
2018. Thermodynamics of Water Confined in Porous Calcium-Silicate-Hydrates. Langmuir. 28(31):11422-11432.
2012. Tight binding within the fourth moment approximation: Efficient implementation and application to liquid Ni droplet diffusion on graphene. Physical Review B. 84(8):ArticleNumber:085455.
2011. A time-dependent atomistic reconstruction of severe irradiation damage and associated property changes in nuclear graphite. Carbon. 120:111-120.
2017. Topological Control on the Structural Relaxation of Atomic Networks under Stress. Physical Review Letters. 119(3):ArticleNumber:035502.
2017. Transient regime to fluidized chimney within a granular bed by means of a 2D DEM/LBM modeling. IV International Conference on Particle-based Methods (PARTICLES 2015). PARTICLE-BASED METHODS IV-FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS:558-566.
2015. Transient regime to fluidized chimney within a granular bed by means of a 2D DEM/LBM modeling. IV International Conference on Particle-based Methods (PARTICLES 2015). PARTICLE-BASED METHODS IV-FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS:558-566.
2015. Two-dimensional numerical simulation of chimney fluidization in a granular medium using a combination of discrete element and lattice Boltzmann methods. Physical Review E. 97(5):ArticleNumber052902.
2018. Ultrahigh interlayer friction in multiwalled boron nitride nanotubes. Nat Mater. 13(7):688-693.
2014. Velocity statistics of the Nagel-Schreckenberg model. Physical Review E. 93(2):ArticleNumber:022305.
2016. Virus-templated Pt–Ni(OH)2 nanonetworks for enhanced electrocatalytic reduction of water. Nano Energy. 58:167-174.
2019. Water Isotherms, Shrinkage and Creep of Cement Paste: Hypotheses, Models and Experiments. Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete: A Tribute to Zdenek P. Bażant.
2013. Yield stress materials in soft condensed matter. Reviews of Modern Physics. 89(3):ArticleNumber:035005.
2017. Yield stress materials in soft condensed matter. Reviews of Modern Physics. 89(3):ArticleNumber:035005.