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Scratch test model for the determination of fracture toughness. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 78(2):334-342.
2011. Scratching as a Fracture Process: From Butter to Steel. Physical Review Letters. 106(20):ArticleNumber:204302.
2011. Experimental determination of the fracture toughness via microscratch tests: Application to polymers, ceramics, and metals. Journal of Materials Research. 27(2):485-493.
2012. Fracture scaling relations for scratch tests of axisymmetric shape. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 60(3):379-390.
2012. Discussion: Strength-to-fracture scaling in scratching. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 119:21-28.
2014. An improved technique for characterizing the fracture toughness via scratch test experiments. Wear. 313(1-2):117-124.