The Labex is part of the educational AMU offer in Material Science at a level of MASTER I/II / Marseille School of Enginnering Polytech-Marseille. The driving idea of the Labex educational aspect is to get the French and American members of the CNRS-MIT UMI and the faculty of CINaM and SOLEIL involved into lecturing Master of Material Sciences or from the School of Engineering students of AMU on various aspects of multi-scale materials in connection with energy and environmental issues. In short, this curriculum could be organized along the following lines:
- on the physics of those materials (cement, nuclear solid fuels, shale-gas,...). This combines both simulation and experimental approaches spanning length and time scales with particular attention toward relationship between texture and mechanics (from nanometer to micron), transport properties (heat, fluid,...) and aging processes (from ns to hours).
- on the use of new tomography tools on synchrotron facilities. This aspect is facilitated by the integration of the UMI as part of an Equipex project Nano-image-X aiming at developing a dedicated beam line on the SOLEIL synchrotron.
- on the use of Near-Field Scanning techniques for imaging and measuring mechanical properties at the sub-micron/nano scale including nano-indentation testing, nano-scratch testing, AFM, TEM...
- on the social percepetion of energy and environmental industrial practices (including unconventional such as shale-gas) in conjunction with life cycling, life cost cycling assessment techniques and environmental issues with the perspective of providing quantitative tools to decision makers in designing policies and regulations.