Jan 25-30 2013, Derrien theater, ESIL-Polytech, Aix-Marseille University (AMU), Campus de Luminy, 13288 Marseille, cedex 09
Organized under the auspices of the LabEx ICoME2/AM*IDEX, M2UN-GdR-i/CNRS and Polytech Marseille/AMU
- Dr. Roland Pellenq (Multi-Scale Material Science for Energy and Environment, <MSE>2, A joint CNRS-MIT laboratory, MIT and Centre Interdisciplinaire des Nanosciences de Marseille, CINaM, AMU-CNRS), pellenq@mit.edu
- Prof. Philippe Dumas (Polytech-AMU and Centre Interdisciplinaire des Nanosciences de Marseille, CINaM, AMU-CNRS), dumas@cinam.univ-mrs.fr
- Dr. Christophe Bichara (Centre Interdisciplinaire des Nanosciences de Marseille, CINaM, AMU-CNRS), bichara@cinam.univ-mrs.fr
- Mme Donna Hudson, MIT, donnaon@mit.edu
- Mme Barbara Plihon (Polytech-AMU), barbara.plihon@univ-amu.fr
- Mme Delphine Simon (CINaM, CNRS-AMU), simon@cinam.univ-mrs.fr
- Prof. Thémis Apostolidis (Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale, LPS, AMU-INSERM): Energy and Environment: what’s at stake from a Social Science point of view, themistoklis.apostolidis@univ-amu.fr
- Prof. Alain Baronnet (Centre Interdisciplinaire des Nanosciences de Marseille, CINaM, AMU-CNRS): Electron microscopy for multi-scale porous materials, methods and application to clay, cement… baronnet@cinam.univ-mrs.fr
- Prof. Emanuela Delgado (Institute for Building Materials Microstructure and Rheology, EHT-Zurich): the physics of glasses, jamming transition and arrested dynamics, delgado@ifb.baug.ethz.ch
- Dr. Pierre Levitz (Laboratoire Physicochimie des Electrolytes, Colloïdes et Sciences Analytiques, PECSA, Université Pierre et Marie Curie-CNRS): Multi-scale Porous and Colloidal materials, texture and transport properties, pierre.levitz@upmc.fr
- Prof. Franz Ulm (Dpt of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT): Mechanics of multi-scale porous materials, from elasticity to fracture: modelling and experiment, ulm@mit.edu
- Dr. Timm Weitkamp (SOLEIL Synchrotron, CNRS-CEA, Gif/Yvette): Synchrotron light for the characterization of multi-scale porous materials, weitkamp@synchrotron-soleil.fr
- Prof. Sidney Yip (Dpt of Nuclear Science and Engineering and Dpt of Material Science and Engineering, MIT): Meta-dynamics simulation techniques, syip@mit.edu
Friday Jan 25th:
- 8h00: Bus departure from the Novotel Hotel, boulevard Livon, Vieux port) to ESIL-Polytech, Luminy campus, Aix-Marseille University
- 08h45-09h00: Opening remarks, Roland Pellenq / Christophe Bichara / Philippe Dumas
- 09h00-10h30: Pierre Levitz, Multi-scale Porous and Colloidal materials, texture and transport properties, Part I
- 10h30-11h00: coffee break
- 11h00-12h30: Alain Baronnet, Electron microscopy for multi-scale porous materials, methods and application to clay, cement…, Part I
- 12h30-14h00: Lunch (CROUS)
- 14h00-15h30: Alain Baronnet, Electron microscopy for multi-scale porous materials, methods and application to clay, cement…, Part II
- 15h30-16h00: coffee break
- 16h00-18h00: Thémis Apostolidis, Energy and Environment: what’s at stake from a Social Science point of view
- 18h15: Bus departure to Marseille down town (Vieux port area)
Monday Jan 28th:
- 8h00: Bus departure from the Novotel Hotel, boulevard Livon, Vieux port) to ESIL-Polytech, Luminy campus, Aix-Marseille University
- 08h45-10h30: Pierre Levitz, Multi-scale Porous and Colloidal materials, texture and transport properties, Part II
- 10h30-11h00: coffee break
- 11h00-12h30: Franz Ulm, Mechanics of multi-scale porous materials, from elasticity to fracture: modelling and experiment, Part I
- 12h30-14h00: Lunch (CROUS)
- 14h00-15h30: Sidney Yip, Meta-dynamics simulation techniques Part I
- 15h30-16h00: coffee break
- 16h00-18h00: Emanuela Delgado, The physics of glasses, jamming transition and arrested dynamics
- 18h15: Bus departure to Marseille down town (Vieux port, Novotel Hotel area, boulevard Livon)
Tuesday Jan 29th:
- 08h00: Bus departure from the Novotel Hotel, boulevard Livon, Vieux port) to ESIL-Polytech, Luminy campus, Aix-Marseille University
- 08h45-10h30: Franz Ulm, Mechanics of multi-scale porous materials, from elasticity to fracture: modelling and experiment, Part II
- 10h30-11h00: coffee break
- 11h00-12h30: Pierre Levitz, Multi-scale Porous and Colloidal materials, texture and transport properties, Part III
- 12h30-14h00: Lunch (CROUS)
- 14h00-15h30: Sidney Yip, Meta-dynamics simulation techniques Part II
- 15h30-16h00: coffee break
- 16h00-18h00: Timm Weitkamp, Synchrotron light for the characterization of multi-scale porous materials
- 18h15: Bus departure to Marseille down town (Vieux port, Novotel Hotel area, boulevard Livon)
Wednesday Jan 30th:
- 08h00: Bus departure from the Novotel Hotel, boulevard Livon, Vieux port) to ESIL-Polytech, Luminy campus, Aix-Marseille University
- 08h45-10h30: Franz Ulm, Mechanics of multi-scale porous materials, from elasticity to fracture: modelling and experiment, Part III
- 10h30-11h00: coffee break
- 11h00-12h30: Sidney Yip, Meta-dynamics simulation techniques Part III
- 12h30-12h45: Concluding remarks, Roland Pellenq / Christophe Bichara / Philippe Dumas
- 12h45-14h15: Lunch (CROUS)
- 14h30: Bus departure to Marseille down town (Vieux port area, Novotel Hotel area, boulevard Livon)
Week end Sat 26th / Sun 27th:
Over the weekend, you can: visit Marseille, European Capital of Culture 2013 / Aix en Provence, Vasarely Museum / Avignon, Palais des Papes: information will be provided.
Friday, January 25, 2013 to Wednesday, January 30, 2013